Health and Safety Policy Statement

GS Plus is committed to providing and maintaining a safe working environment for all who might be affected by our actions or omissions. We all have a mutual interest in managing health and safety. Management expects all staff to apply dynamic risk assessing and we all achieve this through communication, co-ordination and cooperation.

To achieve this we will ensure the health, safety and welfare of colleagues, staff and others governs all of our actions. We will ensure that hazards are identified and risks eliminated or reduced so far as is reasonably practicable. Our responsibilities include all relevant duties as identified in company operations and arrangements in managing health and safety for all, by using the recognised Plan, Do, Check, Act methodology of ISO 45001. The combined planning and monitoring of procedures achieve control which provides a safer working environment for all.

As a Company we:

  • Comply with all statutory legislation relevant to our activities and those who may be affected through delivering quality service aimed at achieving a safe working environment.
  • Encourage and foster the closest possible liaison and consultation between management, employees and representatives in all matters affecting health and safety.
  • Maintain safe working procedures, equipment, hazardous substance use, place of work and monitoring systems throughout the company.
  • Train, advise and inform employees of health and safety risks, responsibilities, arrangements, procedures and safe systems of work thus maintaining a safe workforce and working environment.
  • Provide health inspection and surveillance of all relevant employees and the workplace by a competent physician as required.
  • Improve progressively upon the levels of health and safety performance by the continued use of risk assessments, codes of best practice, incident investigation and, internal and external audit in order to establish the causes of accidents and impairments to health and institute practicable remedial measures to prevent recurrence.
  • Ensure the employment of a competent person to develop, implement and maintain the Company’s health and safety management systems and providing adequate physical and financial resources to maintain the health and safety of all of its staff and operations.
  • The worldwide COVID19 pandemic has had a significant impact in how GSPlus operate and is at the forefront of our business strategy to ensure all employees, contractors, patrons and the public remain safe and healthy during this challenging time.

We believe excellence in the management of health and safety is an essential element within the company’s overall provision of service. It is the foundation on which the company will build for future progress in providing a consistently high quality service.

This Policy Statement will be revised annually and updated when appropriate.